Workshop choices
As in previous years, participants of the 2023 congress have one choice of a workshop among the 5 workshops A and one choice of a
workshop among the 5 workshops B.
One workshop (A) Thursday morning
One workshop (B) Thursday afternoon
Thursday, October 12, 2023 – From 10:45 AM to 12:15 PM (duration: 1h30).
List of workshops A
Let’s dive into the application of the missions of the UC/IPC and the Service Quality and Complaints Commissioner! In the form of a punchy presentation and a Q&A period, a Service Quality and Complaints Commissioner gives you the keys to the language of complaints, assistance, interventions, and reports of mistreatment. Let’s visit together the intersectionality of our common missions.
Workshop facilitator:
- Mr. Jean-Philippe Payment, Service Quality and Complaints Commissioner and President of Regroupement des commissaires aux complaints et à la qualité des services du Québec
The MSSS released the range of services in ID-ASD-PD in 2021. This comes in response to this desire that each person can have access to a complete and diversified range of services everywhere in Quebec. With the integration of services as a background, the development of this range, as much as the implementation work, relies on considerable collaboration with partners in the community. Among the latter, note the sustained involvement of partner users and members of user committees, enriching the relevance of ministerial orientations, since they were built based on user needs. In this workshop, the approach, the foundations, and the implementation work of the range will be presented. An exchange with the participants will make it possible to deepen certain questions and concerns.
Workshop facilitators:
- Mr. Richard Penney, Director of Disability, Autism Spectrum Disorder and Physical Rehabilitation Programs (MSSS)
- Ms. Christine Lanctôt, Expert Advisor to the Department of Disability, Autism Spectrum Disorder and Physical Rehabilitation Programs (MSSS)
Last March, the Ministry of Health and Social Services published its very first frame of reference on the well-treatment of older adults. This conference will allow you to become familiar with the well-treatment approach in a Quebec context as well as the various practices and strategies aimed at creating environments conducive to the well-treatment of all seniors. Four environments are specifically targeted: the community, the home and RPAs, workplaces and alternative living environments (particularly CHSLDs). What are the opportunities in your environment to intensify the promotion of well-treatment? This is the question that the participants will be asked to answer.
Workshop facilitator:
- Ms. Sarah Fournier, Counselor in well-treatment and fight against elder abuse (MSSS)
- Co-host: Mr. Rodrigue Gallagher, Counselor in promoting well-treatment (MSSS)
User committees have existed and have been an integral part of institutions in the health and social services network for several years. According to the ministerial frame of reference, these committees act as guardians of the rights and interests of users in complementarity, among other things, with the establishment. Having common objectives to improve the quality of care and services to users and residents, users’ committees and the quality, evaluation, performance, and ethics departments have everything to gain from effective collaboration. This workshop illustrates the functioning of these entities for the benefit of users and residents. More specifically, the focus will be on the operating mechanisms and winning conditions of this collaboration, as well as on the possible avenues for resolution in the event of an impasse between the stakeholders. A period of discussion will allow questions and clarifications to be answered.
Workshop facilitators:
- Ms. Katleen Busque, Acting Director, Ethics and Quality Department (MSSS)
- Ms. Stéphanie Plourde, President of the CHU Sainte-Justine Users’ Committee
- Ms. Geneviève Parisien, Director of Quality, Evaluation, Performance and Ethics at CHU Sainte-Justine
- Coming soon, Integrated Health and Social Services Center
In the context of the reform of the health and social services network, users, patients, and citizens will increasingly have a forum to assert their needs. Local care and services are the basis of the system, yet the relationship between frontline actors and the community is not necessarily well-established or natural. We will discuss ways to strengthen this critical relationship to contribute to a partnership that benefits all parties.
Workshop facilitator:
Dr Félix Le-Phat-Ho
- Administrator since 2021 on the Board of the RQMDSS (Quebec Association of Physicians for the Decentralization of the Health System)
- Family doctor at the GMF-R le Trait d’Union in Delson and general medicine hospitalist at the Anna-Laberge hospital in Châteauguay since 2014
Thursday, October 12, 2023 – From 2:15 PM to 3:45 PM (duration: 1h30).
List of workshops B
During this workshop, we propose to explore the patient partnership, the fields of action where patient knowledge is used to take full advantage of these unique skills to transform practices, facilitate change management and break down the traditional silos of our health system. We will put forward concrete cases of success: from governance to health care and services, including research and innovation. Participants will be able to measure and evaluate the full power of patient partnership in youth.
Workshop facilitators:
- Ms. Catherine Wilhelmy, Co-director of Patient partner in the scientific direction and Co-director of Patient partner – SSA-RUISSS Université de Sherbrooke
- Mr. Antoine Groulx, Family physician, Scientific Co-Director of the SSA Quebec Support Unit, Full Professor at ULaval and Associate Professor at HEC Montreal
This workshop will be conducted in English.
Workshop animators will present the English-speaking community health and social services network, some important socio-demographic information and statistics related to accessing services in the English language. They will also provide a regional example of how this community network can support user committees in their efforts to have English-speaking representation and successfully promote users’ rights to the English-speaking population. This will be followed by an interactive discussion with participants and sharing of experiences on the topic.
Workshop facilitators:
- Ms. Jennifer Johnson, Executive Director of the Community Health and Social Services Network (CHSSN)
- Ms. Sharleen Sullivan, Executive Director of Neighbours Regional Association of Abitibi-Témiscamingue
The aging of the population is a fundamental phenomenon that can be observed in many countries. At the same time, we note that the proportion of elderly persons who consume psychoactive substances (including, for example, alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, or even various illegal products) is increasing. However, a complex interrelation can be noticed between the effects of consumption and those of aging. Thus, due to the physiological phenomena associated with advancing age, the elderly population is generally more at risk of experiencing health problems because of the use of psychoactive substances. Conversely, consumption itself can aggravate or precipitate manifestations of aging and contribute to the loss of autonomy. Services, whether provided at the person’s home, in the community, or in residential accommodation, are still working to adjust to the specific needs of this “new” population of users. To properly illustrate the subject and support discussions with the audience, this workshop will be based on the content of a research project carried out in connection with residential and long-term care settings for the elderly in Quebec. After having briefly presented the origins of the project, we will be able to collectively discuss salient facts relating to the characteristics and needs of the users, as well as the challenges encountered at the level of the intervention. Finally, we will evoke and discuss the areas for improvement identified to increase the service offer and support for seniors who use psychoactive substances.
Workshop facilitator:
- Mr. Vincent Wagner, Researcher at the University Institute on Addictions and Associate Professor at the Addictions Service of the University of Sherbrooke
Through the diversity of their languages, value systems and behaviours, ethnocultural communities influence the daily life of the establishments in the network. Therefore, what skills are required to provide appropriate care? And how to ensure optimal quality of health care despite the diversity of needs? ACCÉSSS interventions address this problem: through its studies, through its training, the development of tools and providing network staff with practical advice to meet the needs of Quebecers of immigrant origin. This leads us to question equitable access to quality health care for Quebecers of immigrant origin compared to Quebecers of French and English origin. Services are available, but not necessarily accessible. ACCÉSSS notes that for decades we are still discussing the same issues. It has therefore become urgent to review the MSSS model concerning health services and social services for ethnocultural communities.
Workshop facilitator:
- Mr. Jérôme Di Giovanni, Director General of Alliance des communautés culturelles pour l’égalité de la santé et les services sociaux (ACCÉSSS)
To follow up on the strategic vision of the RPCU Board of Directors, members have had the opportunity to participate actively in the mission roundtables for two years. During this workshop, we will review this exercise in order to develop perspectives and build our actions for the future with our members.
Workshop facilitator:
- Mr. Claude Guimond, Member Services Coordinator at RPCU
- Ms. Joanne Larose, President of Comité des usagers du CHSLD Providence-Saint-Joseph and Clinical advisor in a rehabilitation center (DI/ASD)
For registrations received before july 31
Price valid for RPCU current members.